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Parquet flooring MeisterParquet. longlife, according to the annex to the contract
MeisterParquet. longlife: Easy-to-maintain flooring for modern livingEasy-to-maintain flooring for modern living
Totally natural, wonderfully warm, very durable and extremely attractive – parquet is all of these. The classic among flooring brings atmosphere to every room with wood. MEISTER parquet is especially easy to maintain and largely insensitive to compressive stress compared to conventional ready-made parquet. To ensure you can enjoy your parquet flooring for years to come!
Parquet the way it used to be: expensive, heavy solid wood planks or filigree sticks, painstakingly puzzled together and firmly glued to the subfloor. Pretty? Of course! But also pretty impractical. Nowadays parquet can also have a completely different look. We now know, for example: Wood is a valuable raw material that has to be handled responsibly and in a way that conserves resources.
This is why parquet flooring from MEISTER does not consist of solid wood, but of three layers: a stable HDF middle layer (HDF = High Density Fibreboard) with a backing layer of simple spruce wood underneath and a covering layer of fine wood on the top. This structure also has other advantages: Unlike solid parquet, MEISTER multi-layer parquet provides much greater dimensional stability, which means that it retains its shape even under the effects of heat or changing humidity.
Much has changed in terms of installation as well: With modern click systems, MeisterParquet. longlife can also be installed as a floating floor – so it no longer has to be glued to the subfloor. This means that the flooring can be installed in large open living areas of up to 100 m² without the need for compensation profiles. For regular maintenance, frequent vacuum cleaning and, if necessary, damp mopping with an appropriate care product is sufficient.

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MeisterWerke Schulte GmbH
59602 Rüthen