“It was important to me that we use recycled paper for such a huge number of books to avoid so many trees being felled (…). However, the Blue Angel for printed matter stands for much more than just recycled paper, it also ensures that the entire printing process has been closely examined and optimised. It has worked really well.”
Her Woodwalker and Seawalker books feature young shapeshifters who can turn into animals and in this form, of course, have many different adventures. Alongside typical themes associated with coming of age, the books also cover current issues such as climate change, loss of biodiversity and ocean waste. She tells her stories in an exciting and fast-paced way. Environmental protection is not conveyed by wagging a finger but in a hands-on way and from the heart.
“Conservation is very important to the children and young people that read my books. After all, it is also their planet.” An important message contained in her books is that every one of us can contribute to protecting the environment.
You can achieve a lot with lots of little things. If we all get involved, we can really make a difference. In reality, there is only one wrong thing to do and that is to do nothing.”
All of her books always also contain 10 tips on what we can do in everyday life to help protect the forests and oceans.
Katja Brandis´ books are published by Arena. Arena is the first publisher of books for children and young people that has been certified with the Blue Angel for environmentally friendly and resource-conserving printed matter (DE-UZ 195).