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Presentation of certificates

Award-winning: Blue Angel and German Ecodesign Award for sanitary paper innovation

 Bundesumweltministerin Steffi Lemke (Mitte) überreicht den Bundespreis Ecodesign an Andreas Krengel, WEPA Vorstandsmitglied (links), und Patrick Schumacher, Director Marketing & Business Development bei WEPA Professional. Foto: Sandra Kühnapfel © IDZ
Federal Minister for the Environment, Steffi Lemke (centre), presents the German Ecodesign Award to Andreas Krengel, member of the WEPA Management Board (left), and Patrick Schumacher, Director of Marketing & Business Development at WEPA Professional. Pho

WEPA is making the most of the fact that, alongside this, online shopping is generating more and more waste paper from packaging, and has developed the first sanitary paper made from recycled cardboard packaging and corrugated cardboard. This innovation was awarded not only the Blue Angel but also the German Ecodesign Award – presented by Minister for the Environment Steffi Lemke.