
DANI Semianilin und Anilin Leder entsprechend Anlage

Produktinformationen des Unternehmens:

Aniline leather has a natural appearance, maintains excellent softness and breathability thanks to the processing that preserves the essence of the raw material to the maximum.

At the same time, the natural texture is clearly visible, with the grain and small recognizable natural irregularities: this enhances the uniqueness of the leather and transmits an extremely pleasant tactile sensation.

The final color is obtained from soluble dyes that do not cover the surface, thus mantaining the natural texture untouched and giving a value of uniqueness to each individual leather.

This value is made even more precious by the "Blue Angel" certification which guarantees the well-being of end consumers.

Marke: DANI

Logo Dani S.p.A.

Dani S.p.A.

via della Concia, 186 Z.I.
36071 Arzignano (VI)
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