Low-Emission Internal Plasters (DE-UZ 198)
Internal plasters are used to cover large surfaces indoors just like wall paints. Therefore, it is important that these products have low emissions and are also not harmful to human health in other ways. The Environmental Label Jury established new criteria for internal plasters at its meeting in December 2018. The most important new requirement is that internal plasters with the Blue Angel are no longer permitted to use preservatives containing biocidal substances. Manufacturers must provide analytical verification of compliance with this requirement. The information that must be stated on the container and the technical data sheet has been supplemented to include a note about consumers wearing protective goggles for their own protection.
As these new requirements for even safer products require far-reaching changes to the production process, the Environmental Label Jury agreed to extend the validity of the still existing Basic Award Criteria until 31/12/2020. This will give manufacturers the opportunity to change the formulations for their internal plasters over to preservative-free versions.
- Manufacturer
- FHG Farbenhandelsgesellschaft mbH
- Flügger (J.D.)
- Franken Maxit Mauermörtel GmbH & Co.
- HECK Wall Systems GmbH
- Qingdao Hongfuju Building Technology Co., Ltd
- RYGOL Baustoffwerk GmbH & Co. KG
- SAKRET Trockenbaustoffe Sachsen GmbH & Co. KG
- Saint-Gobain Weber GmbH
- Sakret Trockenbeton München GmbH & Co. KG
- Wall Flair GmbH
- alsecco GmbH
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